Wednesday 11 February 2009


we are going to do most of our filming at night.
all of our scenes that take place out side are going to be filmed at night as our opening takes place at night.
we are going to try and get most of out shots outside on the same night as not every night will look the same.

for filming the man in the house we are going to need lots of shadow on his face as we do not want to give his identity away. so we will light him using a redhead mainly from the back to help disclose his identity and cast shadow onto his face.

when the girl is walking up the drive there is a security light which we can use along with the redhead to illuminate her more. also at the point when she puts her key in the lock we need quite a strong light on the lock because this is quite an important feature to our opening.

inside the house we can use the normal lights to assist us as the girl can turn them on to see her way. we will also use the redhead when we want the effect of no lights but also so that the characters can be seen and there actions can be seen clearly.

when we are filming inside the car and just outside the car we will use a dimmer light to simulate night time in a car. but also again want it to be clear so all of the characters can be seen.

we will only use one redhead as we want it to be quite shadowy and creepy looking also its set at night so a really bright light would ruin the setting. however we do not want it too dark as the characters will not be clear enough and there actions will not be clear.

signed Hannah (:

1 comment:

Marion Taylor-Russell said...

This is useful explanation, but try to use more lighting terms - eg low key.